
                     There are times when God gets very quiet.

Most often our awareness of God’s Silence comes when He has issued a command for us to do something; and, for whatever reason we foolishly choose to pooh-pooh His Voice away. As you read these words, did a personal remembrance twinge in your spirit? If so, quite likely the thought that quickened in your spirit is a holy call-to-action that you have allowed to be suppressed by life’s busyness.
The thing that leapt in your spirit is possibly your starting point for sincere pleading, in prayer with thanksgiving for God’s mercy to allow you to do His Will as an obedient servant. Usually, the fear-based rejection or callous shoving-aside of God’s Command is something of critical need for Kingdom work. In your own strength the task is far too daunting to do without His Divine Strength and Guidance. Remember Moses? He was God’s choice for confronting Pharaoh. However, in his fervent ‘I'm not good enough, let-somebody-else-do-it spirit,’ he passionately detailed his less-than-stellar abilities (Exodus 4:10-14).
The thing God has called you to do probably has you pondering if He knows this and that inferior thing about you. I assure you of this certainty. The One Who created you knows you better than you know yourself. You feel inadequate to do the task He has called you to; because, in essence, without the intervention of the Holy Spirit, you are. By faith, obey the mission He has drafted you for in spite of your perceived shortcomings. As did Moses, and many other God-servants, activate your faith by putting into action the thing He speaks you to do, step by step. Only He has the Master Plan. Only He knows the landmines the enemy has planted to derail your efforts. When obstacles arise, stand on His Word as firmly as a tree planted by the water; (Psalm 1:3) and, watch God’s Faithfulness perpetually be revealed brighter than the noonday sun. You can trust Him (John 17:1-26; 2 Corinthians 3:18). Stand steadfastly; and, when the enemy shows up to cast doubt, pray through; remembering to never quit; and instead, keep on believing.
Persevere onward even when at first glance quitting and turning back would be easier. You have to press on for the sake of all involved: namely yourself, observers, and most importantly, God. Whatever the cost, trust in faith that God will provide as only He can. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice the one thing he had prayed for; but God in His infinite Love and Mercy had waiting for him, His own pure Sacrificial Lamb. I am sure God was honored that Isaac and Abraham wanted to obey; but, ultimately, Isaac was born of a man; thus, a sinner: blemished and unworthy as a God sacrifice (Genesis 22). Your obedience will always require sacrifice; a stretching-to-the-limit so to speak. It is written: The borrower is slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). However, when you are doing a work for God, remember that ultimately, God is the Master of the lender. Selah. Do not look at life through the prism of what your natural eyes can see. This limited perception will only create a sink-hole of discouragement. Obeying God requires that you live life from the advantage point of the SUPER-natural realm, trusting that at every turn God will give you the insight and provision to not only do His Will; but, more importantly bring forth His Glory to fulfillment (Isaiah 44:6, Philippians 1:6,  Hebrews 12:2). God's Promise is to finish what He starts. Yes, He is the Alpha. But, ne'er forget He is the Omega, too. He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith (the very thing we believe He has called us to do!) Be encouraged. Know that He who began a good work in you will see it through to completion. Selah.