
In a much younger season of life, occasionally I would take respite, from my then superficially-ordered life, to ponder how circumstances came to be. I was primarily a work-outside-the-home mom of two children, three years apart. From the chaotic, to the rare and ever-treasured sublime times, I have learned that in life, there are no happenstances. Just as a masterpiece of tapestry is comprised of strategically woven threads, each life-experience uniquely intertwines to create an ever-evolving Divine Purpose defining one’s life.
In these early years, I never considered the brief interludes of reflection devotional in nature; mostly because, the time was spent self-analyzing the hows and whys of a given situation, instead of embracing this very simple and precious time in communion with Father God. Most often my effort for calm meditation, would result in a tiresome scrutiny of how His Perspective on a given hardship could ever, ever work for my good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
The older I got, in conjunction with more life-experiences, I realized an uncompromising need for a daily, set-aside, private, meeting-place with Father God. With this insight, came the awareness that devotional time is not a ritualistic quick, ten minutes on waking; nor, is it fitting God in for a few minutes at day’s end, weary and worn from all that the world has extrapolated.
This 31-day devotional can be read chronologically a day at a time, or randomly. Before beginning, ask the Holy Spirit to impart a spiritual Word specifically for you regarding a life-matter you’re facing. If at all possible, create a special place and time to commune with God.
For some, the quietest time of day may be the subway ride to work with classical sounds beaming in the earbuds; and for others, during the children’s afternoon nap. Still, for others, finding a niche-time may seem impossible; however, I truly believe that daily alone-time with your Creator is essential to the health of your overarching well-being. After reading the day’s devotion, consciously reflect for the next 24-hours on stirrings that arise in your spirit. It is with fervent prayer that each day’s communion will strengthen you in the Spirit; ever refreshing, ever-renewing you for this ever-evolving journey known as Life.

Val Elliott