
POTUS' Signing of Ominibus Bill Reminder There's 3 Main Branches of GOVT

Geez. I wish I could say I was disappointed/surprised that the Omnibus Bill passed. But, a dream I had, 08-14-17, revealed, as I interpreted it, that we were in store for more of the same, and the so-called NWO would remain in-effect, strong as ever.

It was at this point that I decided to honor the Word of God, and respect the decisions of the POTUS, whether I agreed with them or not; and to stay refreshed in the fact that **only** God is the real hope for the survival of this world, and MAGA (1Peter 2:13-17).

There’s simply far too much going on ‘behind the scenes’ with “powers and principalities in higher places”. Of course, I usually equate this verse only with the supernatural realm; but, it becomes clear that a lot of this power is going on in the natural realm as well (Ephesians 6:12).

I took a look at the so-called Omnibus Bill that was, as usual, passed in the dark of night (2:30 a.m.) when none of the 'protesters' were standing out on Congressional steps shouting, “Helicopter NO!”.

I’ve included a link to the article highlighting the bill; but, what stood out the most was zero mention of the student-loan crisis strangling millions of Americans.

But, oh did this bill make Big Pharma happy. $4.65 BILLION, with a B-b-b-b- B, (an increase of $3B) was given to government-approved agencies to ‘help’ and to ‘prevent’ addiction. RME…SMH…This part of the bill was deemed “a boost that lawmakers from both parties hailed as a win.” 
I wonder, mostly for whom? Really!

LOL!...SMH, again. RME.

Why you may ask? Can't you see? The bulk of this money will go right back into Big Pharma’s pockets with recovery ‘meds’ to ‘help’ the addicted; and, all-better-now meds to ‘prevent’ relapse. 

Ha! It’s more of the same; because big government is a business entity, not a one-man show. There are three main branches to the tree, not one. Arguably, the Legislative branch has the greatest influence. Even though the POTUS has Executive power of the pen, it only lasts for as long as he is in office. Yes, he could have vetoed the bill; but, to what end...a temporary fix. If you're someone who thinks the POTUS controls things, you prolly should do a bit more research.

I might be a bit naive, and giving a bit more credit than due; but, I do believe if the current POTUS had his way:

+ He'd exercise power of the pen over student debt, and put an end, once and for all, to this funding scam. University doors would close left and right; and people would learn trades that created real jobs.

+ He'd return prayer to the public-school system as proof that God would eradicate the need for guns in the classroom.

+ He'd consider a non-refusal universal living wage to abolish the current welfare system. People with addictions would be deemed mentally unstable until proven otherwise; and, they would be required to prove their sobriety by a monthly drug test, before receiving the wage.

+ Dilapidated real-estate communities, as in Detroit, would be rebuilt from the ground up, and priced within the means of  'blue-collar' workers. Let's face it, he's a real-estate guru, remember? Imagine how many youth fresh out of high school could bypass college for a few years, while learning how to build a home.

+ Health-care would be funded with a mandatory penny-tax on every dollar of every single solitary thing a person and real-world, including food.

+ Planned Parenthood's abortion funding would be struck down. After all, POTUS ran, and subsequently won, on a Pro-Life platform.
Okay, I'm back in the reality zone now; but, bottom line...We can't lay 100% blame on the POTUS. After all, he's the President, U.S. leader, not dictator. Nor, is he the entire government.

That's it. Am I disappointed that he signed the bill? No, because that would infer that I thought he could successfully do otherwise, in spite of my hopes that he would, just to make a statement. But, that would have simply meant wasting taxpayers even more money flying everyone back into session.   

Btw, here’s the link as noted:

Usually, I document dreams on YouTube; but, I have yet to feel it's time to share this one. The actual dream was full of revelry; but, on waking, and dissecting, it was very metaphorical and, let's just say, highly insightful. 
Best regards.


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