
Premarital Sex is Not Worth the "Benefits"

While listening to the radio recently I learned that in the U.S., young millenials are less promiscuous than previous generations. If you follow celebrity news you might not know that 20-somethings are not only postponing marriage, they are also opting for celibacy at higher rates. Anyone with a sense of reasoning would know that a few minutes of premarital sexual gratification is not worth the lifetime consequences this behavior can incur. The young are receiving the wisdom that celibacy before marriage means no worries about unplanned pregnancies. Celibacy means minuscule risk of HIV-AIDS and the daily regimen required to prolong life. It means not getting incurable STDs and the ails associated with them. It means honoring God and His Word, being in place to receive His Best, in His Divine Time.

 "Surely, your sins will find you out." (Numbers 32:23).

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